How to keep your furniture insect free

If you own rattan furniture, you know how beautiful and durable it can be. But like with all furniture, there is a possibility that bugs can make their way in and damage it. To protect your rattan furniture, it is important to take some proactive steps to keep the bugs away. The first step to keeping bugs away is to regularly inspect your furniture for any signs of infestation. If you spot anything, address it

Storing your garden furniture

It’s now the time of year when many of us will be going out to invest in some new garden furniture. The summer weather is almost upon us so our attention is now drawn to the garden and how we can entertain and enjoy the weather. The one thing we forget to think about is what we do with our furniture when winter arrives? Leaving your rattan furniture outside during the summer months unprotected is

Protecting your furniture during summer

For many years we have always believed that our rattan furniture needs protection during the winter months only. Well, if you want to make the most of your furniture for many years to come then you will also need to protect it during the summer months too. With the inconsistencies of the British weather, it's sometimes hard to know exactly what each day will bring but that doesn't mean that you should be unprepared. We've